Christy Gerard, MMT

Code of Ethics

My core belief stems from connection to nature, a collection of experiences and a deep commitment and vision to fostering a balanced life.

At the heart of this commitment is offering solutions that inspire, cultivate and empower the integrity of well-being.

My Belief…

* In Integrity. An uncompromising adherence to a code of values and ethics.

* In Dedication. A commitment to doing what it takes to realize my vision.

* In Inspiration. This is the voice “within” to which we will stay attuned.

* In Empowerment. Taking education to the next level and helping people assume responsibility for their own well-being.

* In Balance. Acknowledging that body, mind and spirit are of equal importance. We are at our optimum when each is in balance and in balance with each other.  

* In Wisdom. Only gained through experience. It’s when we “know” what we know in every cell of our body and can trust our decisions.

* In Support and Service. A belief that my best endeavors are in service to others and a greater good.